Best YouTube Video Ideas to Get Subscribers

If you’re looking for inspiration for YouTube video ideas to get subscribers, you’re in the right place. This guide will examine some of the most popular YouTube video types and discuss why they’re so popular. Let’s get into it.

DIY Guides and General Tutorials

DIY guides, tutorials, and how-to videos help teach people how to perform a specific task or do something new. The idea is to make the guide as simple as possible to follow.

These videos are one of the main reasons why YouTube has become so popular, and they are a good choice for you if you have hands-on experience with a particular skill. 

They enable people to learn new skills and affordably do things that would cost a fortune if they paid someone. As a result, these videos get many views from people trying to learn new skills.

DIY Guides and Tutorials – Example

One of the most-viewed how-to videos on YouTube is this tutorial about tying a full Windsor knot. Since many men struggle with this essential skill, it’s probably not surprising that this video has 108,000 views.

Challenge Videos

These videos usually feature YouTubers participating in a challenge or hosting a challenge for others.

These videos are popular because many people like to watch competitions and challenges. Whether it’s about eating 24 liters of strawberries or competing for a grand prize, there’s something primal about these challenges. 

These videos generally have extended watch times because people need to watch to the end to see who wins. Personal challenges and collaborative challenges with other YouTubers are good choices for any channel size.

Challenge Videos – Example

One brilliant example of a challenge video by MrBeast is this challenge for $500,000. He had a large group of people stay inside a circle, and the last remaining would win $500,000. This video reached a whopping 436,000,000 views.

FAQ Videos

FAQ videos have one sole purpose: to answer recurring questions about a topic or scenario.

These videos are immensely popular because they serve two different purposes. First, they allow people to see that the creator is listening to their questions and trying to interact with them. Second, they cover all the burning questions that the creator might be unable to answer in their everyday videos.

These are worth making if you get a lot of interaction from viewers with questions. They’re also a brilliant tactic if you have the knowledge to answer frequently asked questions about a topic in your niche.

FAQ Videos – Example

After the first year of PBS Eons, a series of videos about prehistory, the PBS studio released a video answering all the viewers’ most common questions. This video received well over 300,000 views.

Comment Reviews

Comment reviews are videos in which a YouTuber takes the time to review comments left by subscribers. They may also refer to an artist or other celebrity reviewing comments left about their work.

As with many other video types, these videos get good engagement because they let fans and followers feel seen. Whether the creator is reading positive comments, taking constructive feedback to heart, or mocking ridiculous comments, viewers love it when a maker takes notice of their everyday followers.

These videos generally have higher watch times since viewers must watch until the end to see if the YouTuber mentions their comments. 

These are a great type of video to make when you’ve reached the point where you get a myriad of comments or you have products that get many comments. They’re also helpful if you’re in the review niche and see many comments on the books or products you review. 

Comment Reviews – Example

The Jonas Brothers made a video reviewing some of the comments listeners left on their albums. Unsurprisingly, despite the video’s short length, it received over 700,000 views.

Reaction Videos

Reaction videos are when a YouTube personality makes a video reacting to memes, videos, or other content.

These videos are usually humorous, which attracts many viewers. Furthermore, since they are often candid reactions to viral memes or videos, many people might watch to see what a popular personality says about them.

The great thing about this type of video is that anyone can make them and succeed as long as they react well.

Reaction Videos – Example

Pewdiepie often makes reaction videos in which he interacts with popular memes. This video, in which he reacted to his wife’s memes, got nearly 2,000,000 views.

Behind-the-Scenes and Day-in-the-Life Videos

Behind-the-scenes videos give viewers insight into the reality behind the perfectly curated footage they usually see. It could be a film set, a musician, or the behind-the-scenes of a restaurant or homestead. 

Day-in-the-life videos are similar but usually linked to a full day’s timeframe. They could be about anything from a day in the life of a dairy farmer or pop musician to something as unique as a day in the life of Neko the Cat.

This type of video helps people feel that they’re getting an inside look into the life or function of a beloved person, group of people, or institution. Except in the case of functional things (Behind the scenes of a coffee roastery, for instance), these videos generally have a relatively niche audience that’s already interested in the people or places involved.

BTS and Day-in-the-Life Videos – Examples

This video by college football player Travis Hunter managed to get nearly 300,000 views in a little more than a day.

One out-of-the-box example is “A DAY IN THE LIFE OF PHIL AND DAN!” These two popular YouTubers made a video detailing their day-to-day and got nearly 5,000,000 views.

Product Reviews

Some YouTubers do nothing but review different products, while others specialize in reviewing products related to their specific niche where they have unique insight.

As you may imagine, these videos are popular because they give viewers insight into products before buying them. It can help weed out undesirable products before potential buyers enter the purchase phase.

In short, product review videos save people money. However, they may have variable watch times. Some people will watch the entire video, while others will only watch until they get the information they need.

This video format is right for you if you like shopping and reviewing products or if you have inside information about how a certain type of product works (gamers, for instance, like to review gaming keyboards and joysticks). 

Product Review Videos – Example

Here’s one example from popular YouTube creator Unboxing Therapy. His review of the iPhone 6 Plus’s bendability garnered an astounding 5.2 million views.

Silent Videos

One relatively surprising group of popular YouTube videos is the one where people don’t talk. While these videos are never completely silent, the absence of a voiceover has given rise to the term silent videos.

These are ideal videos for you if you’re not particularly comfortable talking on camera. You can use captions to great effect, even for a video tutorial.

Silent Videos – Example

One brilliant example is Primitive Technology. This entire channel consists of silent videos in which people perform different tasks without the use of modern tools and conveniences. This video about making a tiled roof hut gained nearly 90 million views.

Life Hacks

Life hack videos are usually shorts or a collection of shorter segments compiled into one video. Their purpose is to provide quick ideas and solutions for everyday problems.

These videos are popular because they’re short, making them easy to digest at a time when people have remarkably short attention spans. Everyone wants to improve their lives, and these videos give people a way to do that in small, bite-sized chunks.

This is a great video format if you have many out-of-the-box ideas that can help improve your viewers’ everyday lives.

Life Hack Videos – Example

One brilliant example of this type of video is the 5-Minute Crafts channel. Their entire repertoire consists of this kind of short-form content (usually under 20 minutes long). The video used as an example here got around 5.7 million views.

Final Thoughts

There are many excellent YouTube video ideas for getting subscribers to your channel. But knowing when to use them and which ones will appeal most to your viewers can be challenging. That’s why a tool like TubeKarma is such a great idea. It helps you attract viewers in your niche who like the type of videos you’re producing.
